Final Thoughts
A comprehensive understanding of the management of NMSC and the evidence on which recommendations are based is critically important for optimal patient care. These guidelines are an efficient way for dermatologists and their colleagues to understand the latest evidence and recommendations. The AAD guidelines provide support for clinical decision making with standardized approaches to the diagnosis, care, and prevention of NMSC that are consistent with established practice patterns.
With few exceptions, surgical therapy is the most effective approach for the treatment of BCC and cSCC; however, the AAD guidelines include an important review on nonsurgical management options.1,2 The AAD guidelines help to highlight where data on evidence-based outcomes exist and reveal where data remain insufficient. This is illustrated by the guideline recommendations for providing additional histopathologic characteristics in the pathology reports, which will likely produce future data to enhance the prognosis and eventual treatment of patients with NMSC.1,2 Future guidelines also may include newer technologies (eg, gene expression profiling).
The guidelines do not cover the management of premalignant and in situ lesions, nor do they provide details on the management of metastatic or locally advanced disease. These topics certainly will require a similar critical review and may be addressed separately. The guidelines are identifying unanswered questions about patient care and are concurrently establishing the collection of appropriate data to answer these questions in the future.
Official guidelines often become the primary source for the measured standard of both treatment and outcomes in patient care; therefore, it is critical that dermatologists and the AAD take the lead in creating these guidelines so that we can provide our patients with the best evidenced-based comprehensive care.
The AAD guidelines emphasize the importance of considering the patient perspective in determining how to treat BCCs and cSCCs.1,2 It is important for patients to understand the available treatment options and participate in their own medical care. The AAD work group for these guidelines included patient advocates to ensure that the guidelines would promote further dialogue between physicians and their patients.
The AAD guidelines for the management of NMSC were developed by board-certified dermatologists and other experts in the field. They allow dermatologists to work with patients diagnosed with NMSC to determine the treatment option that is best for each individual patient.