When conservative management is deemed appropriate for a stable syndesmotic sprain, a 3-stage rehabilitation protocol is typically utilized.
The acute phase focuses on protection, pain control, and decreasing inflammation. The patient’s ankle is often immobilized in a cast or controlled ankle movement (CAM) boot. The patient is typically allowed to bear weight in the immobilizer during this phase as long as he/she is pain-free. If pain is present with weight bearing despite immobilization, non-weight bearing is recommended. The patient is instructed to elevate the lower extremity, take anti-inflammatory medication, and ice the affected ankle. Additionally, physical therapy modalities may be utilized to help with edema and pain. Joint immobilization is typically employed for 1 to 3 weeks post-injury. In the acute phase, the patient may also work with a physical therapist or athletic trainer on passive range of motion (ROM), progressing to active ROM as tolerated.1,5,7,8,19
The patient can transition from the CAM boot to a lace-up ankle brace when he/she is able to bear full weight and can navigate stairs without pain, which typically occurs around 3 to 6 weeks post-injury.1,5,7 A pneumatic walking brace may also be used as a transition device to provide added stabilization.
In the sub-acute phase, rehabilitation may progress to increase ankle mobility, strengthening, neuromuscular control, and to allow the patient to perform activities of daily living.5-7
The advanced training phase includes continued neuromuscular control, increased strengthening, plyometrics, agility, and sports-specific drills.5 Athletes are allowed to return to full participation when they have regained full ROM, are able to perform sport-specific agility drills without pain or instability, and have near-normal strength.5-7 Some authors also advocate that a Single Leg Hop Test should be included in the physical exam, and that it should be pain free prior to allowing an athlete to return to competition.20 Both progression in physical rehabilitation and return to sport should be individualized based upon injury severity, patient functionality, and physical exam findings.