Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Must Reads In Cardiology
Cardiology for November/December 2015
Cholesterol Treatment Eligibility & Medication Use, Prevalence among US adults examined
Normal-Weight Central Obesity & Mortality, How it compares to BMI-defined obesity
Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Obesity, Identifying men at increased mortality risk
Coffee Consumption and Risk of Mortality, How many cups are too many?
Walnut Ingestion and Diet Quality, Effects on body composition, cardiac risk studied
Cardiology for September/October 2015
Screening for High Blood Pressure, USPSTF updates guidelines
Insulin Dose and Cardiovascular Mortality, Does intensive T2D treatment heighten CV risk?
FDA Approves Praxbind as Reversal Agent, Drug reverses effects of dabigatran
Physical Activity and Heart Failure Risk, Examining the dose response relationship
Cardiac Troponin in Patients with ACS, Can hospital admissions be reduced?
Cardiology for July/August 2015
Mood Disorders Predispose Youth to Early CVD, AHA scientific statement cites MDD and BD
Prevention of CVD in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, AHA/ADA provides updated scientific statement
Spicy Foods and Mortality, Population-based study examines links
FDA Approves LDL Cholesterol Drug, PCSK9 inhibitor targets high LDL levels in adults
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Older Adults, Evaluating the long-term outcomes