Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Must Reads In Women's Health

Women's Health for July/August 2017

Lifestyle Risk Factors & Hypertension in Women, BMJ; ePub 2017 Jul 12; Timpka, Stuart, et al

Sweetened Beverage Consumption & Diabetes Risk, Am J Clin Nutr; ePub 2017 Jun 28; Huang, et al

Internet-Based Weight Loss Program for Postpartum Women, JAMA; ePub 2017 Jun 20; Phelan, Hagobian, et al

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Women's Health for May/June 2017

HCV Among Reproductive-Aged Women & Offspring, Ann Intern Med; ePub 2017 May 9; Ly, Jiles, et al

Repeat Teen Births and Use of Postpartum Contraception, MMWR; ePub 2017 Apr 28; Dee, Pazol, et al

Tymlos Approved for Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women, Radius Health news release; 2017 April 28

Maternal Antidepressant Use and Autism Risk, JAMA; 2017 Apr 18; Brown, Ray, et al/JAMA; 2017 Apr 18; Sujan, Rickert, et al

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Women's Health for March/April 2017

Vitamin D & Cancer Incidence in Older Women, JAMA; 2017 Mar 28; Lappe, Watson, et al

Pelvic Exam Screening for Gynecologic Conditions , JAMA; 2017 Mar 7; Bibbins-Domingo, USPSTF, et al

Disparities in Osteoporosis Screening in US Women, Am J Med; 2017 Mar; Gillespie, Morin, et al

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Women's Health for January/February 2017

Trends in Postpartum Depressive Symptoms , MMWR; ePub 2017 Feb 17; Ko, Rockhill, et al

Maximal Exercise Capacity and All-Cause Mortality, Mayo Clin Proc; ePub 2017 Feb 6; Brawner, et al

Thyroid Hormone Treatment in Pregnant Women, BMJ; ePub 2017 Jan 25; Maraka, et al

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Women's Health for November/December 2016

Maternal Deaths From Suicide & Overdose, Obstet Gynecol; 2016 Dec; Metz, Rovner, et al

Hormonal Contraception and Treatment of Depression, JAMA Psychiatry; 2016 Nov 1; Skovlund, et al

Can Cranberry Capsules Help Prevent UTIs?, JAMA; 2016 Nov 8; Juthani-Mehta, Van Ness, et al

USPSTF Recommendations to Support Breastfeeding, JAMA; 2016 Oct 25; Bibbins-Domingo, et al

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