Opioid Resource Center
New acute pain guidelines from the ACP and AAFP have limitations
Pain can be multi-factorial and treating it requires a multi-pronged approach.
Reworked OxyContin fails to cut overall opioid abuse, FDA panel says
Some members noted that reformulated OxyContin coincided with increased transition to heroin but recognized the difficulty of proving causality....
News from the FDA/CDC
One in seven high schoolers is misusing opioids
Increased misuse among sexual minority youths warrants “tailored prevention strategies.”
Deaths, despair tied to drug dependence are accelerating amid COVID-19
We need to focus on saving lives by increasing naloxone availability, improving initiation, and expanding access to MAT, said Dr. Mark S. Gold.
Latest News
AMA urges change after dramatic increase in illicit opioid fatalities
Illicit drugs are now the dominant reason why drug overdoses kill more than 70,000 people each year, the report says.
News from the FDA/CDC
Some women use prescription opioids during pregnancy
About 1 in 15 women use prescription opioid pain relievers during pregnancy, CDC survey shows.
From the Journals
Travel times to opioid addiction programs drive a lack of access to treatment
The average drive time to OTPs in the United States is 20.4 minutes, compared with a drive time of 4.5 minutes to pharmacies.
Medication-assisted treatment in corrections: A life-saving intervention
The provision of MAT is an effective strategy in improving outcomes for people who are incarcerated or reentering the community, say Dr. Clayton A...
Conference Coverage
Amid pandemic, Virginia hospital’s opioid overdoses up nearly 10-fold
Stark uptick in cases coincides with the shutdown tied to COVID-19 and reflects trends elsewhere.
News from the FDA/CDC
Use of nonopioid pain meds is on the rise
Prescription opioid use declined from 2009 to 2018, but not significantly.
Conference Coverage
High percentage of stimulant use found in opioid ED cases
The Midwest and West Coast are hot spots for co-use, reflecting historic trends, and white users are more vulnerable.