Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Nivolumab may be beneficial for recurrent or metastatic cervical cancer
Key clinical point: Nivolumab may have some potential for treating recurrent and metastatic gynecologic cancers.
Major finding: 26.3% of patients with cervical cancer and 20% with vaginal/vulvar cancers experienced an objective response.
Study details: A cohort within the phase 1/2 CheckMate 358 trial for patients with virus-associated tumors.
Disclosures: Bristol-Myers Squibb funded the study. Several of Dr. Naumann’s associates reported relationships with the company and four others are employed by Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Naumann RW et al. J Clin Onc. 2019 Sep 5. doi: 10.1200JCP.19.00739