Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Primary periodic paralysis attacks reduced with long-term dichlorphenamide

Key clinical point: Dichlorphenamide effectively reduces attacks of primary periodic paralysis with primarily moderate adverse events in adults.

Major finding: The median weekly PPP attack rate dropped 93.8% in adults receiving dichlorphenamide for 61 weeks and 75% in those receiving it for 52 weeks after 9 weeks placebo.

Study details: A 52-week extension of a 9-week RCT of dichlorphenamide for PPP in 63 adults.

Disclosures: Dr. Johnson has received research support from or consulted with a variety of pharmaceutical companies including Strongbridge Biopharma, the manufacturer of the drug. Other authors consulted for several pharmaceutical companies, and one author is an employee of Strongbridge Biopharma.