Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Normal-weight prediabetes patients also benefit from lifestyle intervention
Key clinical point: Adults with prediabetes of normal weight may derive at least as much benefit from lifestyle health coaching programs as adults who are overweight or obese.
Major finding: Fasting plasma glucose normalized in about 63% of prediabetic adults with normal body mass index participating in a personalized coaching program, compared with 52% of overweight and 44% of obese prediabetic individuals.
Study details: A real-world observational study including 1,897 adults with prediabetes already participating in a lifestyle health coaching program.
Disclosures: Ms. Salmon said she had no potential conflicts of interest to disclose. She said that the coauthors of the study were members or employees of the privately held population health management company INTERVENT International.
Salmon MK et al. ADA 2020, Abstract 273-OR.