Clinical Review
Clinical Review
Here are recommendations, and cautions, when you are considering a patient’s request for preimplantation genetic diagnosis or screening
Clinical Review
“Bioidentical” hormones: What you (and your patient) need to know
Here’s the skinny on compounded “bioidentical” hormone therapy—popular among women but absolutely data-free
Clinical Review
Managing community-acquired MRSA lesions: What works?
MRSA is upending assumptions about skin and soft-tissue infections. Incision and drainage are key; hold antibiotics in reserve, usually.
Clinical Review
The unbearable unhappiness of the ObGyn: A crisis looms
One in every five physicians feels dissatisfaction with a career in medicine—some so strongly that they abandon the workforce. An insider proposes...
Clinical Review
YOU HAVE A NEW JOB: Monitor the lipid profile
The standard panel provides more details than you might imagine about your patient’s risk of cardiovascular disease
Clinical Review
Rebuff those malpractice lawyers’ traps and tricks!
Courtroom rules doesn’t favor defendants, and plaintiff attorneys will paint you as incompetent and uncaring. Don’t despair! You can prepare for...
Clinical Review
Clinical Review
Fetal thrombophilia, perinatal stroke, and novel ideas about CP
Recent research findings point to thrombophilia and to stroke before or right after birth as one more basis for cerebral palsy. But can the...
Clinical Review
Update on pelvic surgery
The midurethral sling has become the standard treatment for stress urinary incontinence. But are all sling techniques equally effective? Recent...
Clinical Review
How simulation can train, and refresh, physicians for critical OB events
Perinatal teams can practice handling emergencies without endangering patients or risking litigation. Hospitals and insurers are taking notice.