Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Must Reads by Date
Must reads for theWeek ending July 19, 2015
FDA Approves Rexulti for Schizophrenia, Drug also gets go-ahead as add-on for MDD
Young People and Antipsychotic Use, Identifying the trends and patterns
Cognizin Can Reduce Cocaine Use, Study: lessens dependence in bipolar patients
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia, Can CBT-I help patients with psychiatric conditions?
Must reads for theWeek ending July 5, 2015
Sleep Duration and Depression, Short and long sleep duration heightens depression risk
Must reads for theWeek ending June 28, 2015
Psychotic-like Symptoms in Adult Offspring, Is older parental age a risk factor?
Amyloid Pathology in Persons Without Dementia , Estimates sought to understand development of AD