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Texting Programs for Smoking Cessation Examined

Addiction; ePub 2016 Dec 12; Hoeppner, et al

Text-messaging programs for smoking cessation appear primarily to confer benefit by promoting improvements in the psychosocial processes related to quitting rather than through the use of extra-programmatic smoking cessation treatments and services, a recent study found. Adult daily smokers browsing the web for smoking cessation support (n=409) were randomized to receive smoking cessation support via Text2Quit vs smoking cessation material. Researchers found:

  • Mediators accounted for 35% of the effect of Text2Quit on smoking cessation.
  • Only psychosocial mechanisms had complete mediational paths, with increases in self-efficacy, quitting know-how, and the sense that someone cared, partially explaining the conferred benefit of Text2Quit.
  • Use of outside resources, including treatments promoted explicitly by Text2Quit, ie, medication, quitline, treatments and resources not promoted by Text2Quit, ie, online forums, and self-help materials did not have complete mediational paths.


Hoeppner BB, Hoeppner SS, Abroms LC. How do text-messaging smoking cessation interventions confer benefit? A multiple mediation analysis of Text2Quit. [Published online ahead of print December 12, 2016]. Addiction. doi:10.1111/add.13685.