Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
Combined features of benign breast disease tied to breast cancer risk
Key clinical point: Combined features of benign breast disease may help better tailor breast cancer screening.
Major finding: Breast cancer risk over a mean follow-up of 7.8 years was highest for women with proliferative benign breast disease with atypia detected on incident screens (adjusted hazard ratio, 4.35) or prevalent screens (aHR, 3.35), or without atypia detected on incident screens (aHR, 3.83).
Study details: A retrospective cohort study of 629,087 women undergoing population-based mammographic breast cancer screening in Spain during 1994-2015.
Disclosures: The study was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER and by the Research Network on Health Services in Chronic Diseases. The presenter disclosed no conflicts of interest.
Román M et al. EBCC-12 Virtual Conference, Abstract 15.