Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions
HIT-6 may help track meaningful change in chronic migraine
Key clinical point: The six-point Headache Impact Test may be able to measure meaningful change in patients with chronic migraine.
Major finding: A 6-point in improvement on the HIT-6 total score and a 1-2 point improvement in item-specific HIT-6 scores were seen as meaningful change for individuals with chronic migraine.
Study details: An analysis of outcomes data from 1,072 participants in the phase 3 PROMISE-2 study.
Disclosures: This study was funded by H. Lundbeck A/S, which also provided funding of medical writing and editorial support for the manuscript. Three authors report being employees of Vector Psychometric Group at the time of the study, and the company received funding from H. Lundbeck A/S for their time conducting study-related research. Three other authors report relationships with pharmaceutical companies, medical societies, government agencies, and industry related to the study in the form of consultancies, advisory board memberships, honoraria, research support, stock or stock options, and employment. Dr. Bartleson reports no conflicts of interest.
Houts C et al. Headache. 2020;60(9):2003-13.